
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Like Father, Like Son...

I promise I closed the laptop and whisked him away right after I took the picture!


Unknown said...

That is a great picture. So did you whisk it away to prevent early attachment or to protect the laptop?

megandjon said...

both! i try not to let him have any screen time right now, or very little, and because his slobberocity could really wreak havoc on that keyboard!

Heidi Mecham said...

How cute! That reminds me of my boys and Brian.

Kassie said...

It is a guilty pleasure for me to take the cute picture of the adorable thing they shouldn't be doing. Sometimes I even re-pose them if they have moved by the time I get the camera... I know, what good positive reinforcement, eh?

They look so grown up when they start copying the "grown-up" things. He isn't a little baby anymore :(

Josie said...

Ug- it drives me NUTS when DD does that! Any time she is in the same room as me with the computer she comes after me! lol

The Nye's said...

Too cute! Brookie has pulled off several of the letters from our key board. They are a PAIN to put back on. I'm becomming a pro at it now so just call if you need a repair!